After installing OS X Yosemite in MacBook, lot of users reported about USB modem connectivity problem with OS X Yosemite.
The following modems are perfectly working with OS X Mavericks. But after upgrading to OS X Yosemite they not worked.
SEE ALSO :Airtel USB Modem not Working with OS X Yosemite, fix
Restart your Mac and try to connect.
Download and install this module
This solution solved ZTE USB modem connectivity issue.
Step 1: Go to System preferences and select Network.
Step 2: Podcast app for mac mojave. If you see your USB connection name on the left side go to step 4. If you can’t see, select + icon.
Step 3: Then select your interface and set your service name and click the create button.
Step 4: Now select ZTEUSBModem in left side and set the following details.
Configuration: Default
Telephone Number: #99*
Account Name and Password must be blank. Then select Advanced.
Note : Enter telephone number #99* for GSM or #777 for CDMA.
Step 5: Now set
Vendor: Generic
Model: GPRS(GSM/3G)
Step 6: Click OK button and connect.
If your USB modem or dongle connectivity issue with OS X Yosemite not fixed yet, do let us via comment.
Jul 22, 2011 Posted in Mac, Mac OS X, Tips 10.7 626 bouygues broadband lion mac mac os mac os x macosx mf mf 626 mf626 modem os x osx solution telecom vivo vodafone workaround zte Post navigation For Mac users: Share Internet through Wi-Fi with your PS3 without a router (Works with 3G Mobile Broadband Modems). Dec 22, 2009 I just bought an Inspiron 1470 with Windows 7 and from Bigpond a ZTE USB Wireless Modem Model IMEI 99130. I can't get it to install. Recovery usb for el capitan. Telstra Bigpond tell me I need an upgrade driver for it. Trouble is I need an internet connection from that computer to find one. Jun 29, 2018 ZTE PROPRIETARY HS-USB MODEM DRIVER FOR MAC - As Acer claims, ProDesigner BM is provided with precise color rendering, large display size for easy development of projects, and with brilliant color managing functions. Jan 04, 2014 Update: Installing Vodafone K3765-HV On Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite A Huawei / Vodafone K3765-HV mobile broadband modem USB stick is easily installed on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Just use the following work around to get your Huawei / Vodafone K3765-HV running on Mavericks.If you also have a Windows 8 / 8.1 PC, you install it following the Windows 8 / 8.1 instructions.