1. Macos Say For Linux Version
  2. Macos Say For Linux 10
Does anyone know if there is a Linux equivalent of this 'say' command available in Mac OS X? As far as I can tell there isn't, but in case someone knows of one:

Sosumi is a snap package based on macOS-Simple-KVM that makes it easy to download and install macOS in a virtual machine (is comes bundled with qemu-virgil, which includes virtio-vga, a paravirtual 3D graphics driver). Best macos for 2012 macbook pro. It does not ship with macOS, but downloads an installer image for macOS Catalina. Really I guess I'm trying to say that OSX and Linux are more alike than either community would probably lead you to believe. And like Grayson was saying, both of them are incredibly close to their grandfather UNIX - you can effectively learn 90% of both OSX and Linux systems by just studying UNIX.

SAY(1) Speech Synthesis Manager SAY(1)
say - Convert text to audible speech
say [-v voice] [-o out.aiff -n name:port ] [-f file string ..]
This tool uses the Speech Synthesis manager to convert input text to audible speech and either

Macos Say For Linux Version

play it through the sound output device chosen in System Preferences or save it to an AIFF

A neat trick if you have a Mac OS X machine is to do this (make sure your speakers are turned on):

  1. Open Terminal.app
  2. Type in at the command line: say hello world

This will make your computer say “hello world” in the default voice (Victoria).

Here is a list of the other voices you can also use:

Female Voices

  • $ say -v Agnes 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Kathy 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Princess 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Vicki 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Victoria 'hello world'

Male Voices

  • $ say -v Bruce 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Fred 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Junior 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Ralph 'hello world'

Novelty Voices

Macos Say For Linux 10

  • $ say -v Albert 'hello world'
  • $ say -v 'Bad News' 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Bahh 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Bells 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Boing 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Bubbles 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Cellos 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Deranged 'hello world'
  • $ say -v 'Good News' 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Hysterical 'hello world'
  • $ say -v 'Pipe Organ' 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Trinoids 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Whisper 'hello world'
  • $ say -v Zarvox 'hello world'

Have fun. You can now add voices to your monitoring applications, or freak people out if they don’t know about this cool trick.

To learn about all of the functionality of the say program, type in man say in Terminal to learn more, or click here to view the online man page for say.

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