When the warning “macOS could not be installed on your computer” or “The path /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg appears to be missing or damaged” is thrown during a macOS High Sierra install on a hackintosh it’s usually caused by one of two things.

  • Apr 17, 2020  Joined Apr 12, 2020 Motherboard HP 1671 CPU i3-2330M Graphics Intel HD 3000 OS X/macOS 10.15 (Beta) Bootloader.
  • Nov 06, 2019 No packages were eligible for install. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. Quit the installer to restart your computer and try again.' My end goal was to install macOS 10.13 High Sierra.

It will download and then try to install itself and then fail with no packages were eligible message with option to restart. Shut off wifi (top right) or unplug ethernet cord. Go to utilities -terminal- type this and only this, date. It will show new date with new time it should be jan 1.

I first noticed this problem when installing the High Sierra 10.13 Supplement Update (17A405) and only happens when installing macOS over an Intel iGPU or a Nvidia GPU.

The cause of the error is usually one of two things: GPU or SMBIOS. Here’s how to fix both:

1. Graphical Cause

If you got this error when installing macOS with an Intel iGPU or Nvidia GPU then it’s likely you have EmuVariableUefi-64.efi in your EFI partition. This driver can cause an issue during the install of High Sierra which can produce the above error and removing it will remove the error.

  1. Mount your EFI partition using Clover Configurator
  2. Navigate to EFI/Clover/Drivers64UEFI/
  3. Delete EmuVariableUefi-64.efi
  4. Restart and try to complete the installer again

Macbook Pro No Packages Were Eligible For Install

If this solves the error. Add EmuVariableUefi-64.efi back into your EFI folder if you plan to use a dedicated graphics card by opening your config.plist in Clover Configurator and selecting Install Drivers on the left column menu.

2. SMBIOS Cause

If the errormacOS could not be installed on your computer persists after removing EmuVariableUefi-64.efi, then a bad SMBIOS setting could be what’s behind it. If the SMBIOS spoof is too old (i.e. 2011 or earlier) the installer will detect that the “Mac” as too old to run High Sierra. Verify the spoofed SMBIOS being used is based on a Mac that came out in 2012+ or later. The SMBIOS spoof can be changed in Clover Configurator.

Install nvidia driver for mac os mojave. If the installer can’t match the firmware and BIOS version with known values the error will also be thrown. Generate a new SMBIOS using Clover Configurator to fix the firmware issue, then restart your hackintosh and try the installer again.

3. System Time Cause

If the time in BIOS does not match the apple time of your installer this error can be thrown if it’s outside the macOS Installer’s allowed tolerance. For example if you are using a motherboard/laptop that’s been in storage awhile the system time may not match the installer’s time.

See:For anyone who can’t install macOS because “the Installer is Damaged”

Macos No Packages Were Eligible For Install Windows

4. NVRAM Cause

Macos No Packages Were Eligible For Install For Kodi


Macos No Packages Were Eligible For Install

If you are updating from an earlier version of macOS and getting this error you can try clearing out the NVRAM.

  1. Open Terminal & type:
  2. sudo nvram -c
5. Dirty Drive Cause

The drive you are installing macOS could be the source of the problem and this was the cause with an install I recently did. I tried installing High Sierra 10.13.2 on an old drive running Sierra 10.12.6. Despite it being a separate partition no matter what I did I was still getting the error. I then decided that it must have been the drive itself because and it was.

Macos No Packages Were Eligible For Install Os X

I backed up all my files on a separate drive to transfer back later and used Disk Utility to erase the drive I wanted to install High Sierra. That did the trick and I was able to complete the install without getting the error.